Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Questions to keep in mind as you read Chapter 5

1. What distinction does Daniels draw between "race relations" and "ethnic relations"?

2. What is meant by "Anglo-conformity"? Do you know anyone who has experienced "the demand for Anglo-conformity" (p.105)?

3. Daniels makes reference to several laws regulating the private behavior of free blacks in colonial America (p.107), including laws relating to sexual relationships and inter-racial marriage between blacks and whites. Use the internet to see if you can find out how long such anti-miscegenation laws were in effect in any state in the United States. Is this still a debated issue in the United States?

4. Review John Jay's words about "Providence" which appear on p.108. In what way does Jay play down ethnic differences?

Bonus Question: This question is optional for those who are familiar with the notion of "Manifest Destiny." In what way does Jay's statement about Providence use religion to support the notion of Manifest Destiny?

5. How would you summarize Benjamin Franklin's statement from "Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind" which appears on pp.109-110? Does he seem to be saying that racism is a part of human nature? Do you agree?

6. How is the early 19th century nationalism described by John Quincy Adams on p.118 different from the Anglo-conformity described on p.105?

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